• Reiki means Universal Life Force energy. It is pronounced Ray Key and means light energy.

  • A Reiki practitioner is attuned to the Reiki energy through taking Reiki classes and then is able to direct energy where it is needed.

  • Reiki energy works like a cell phone… you can’t see the cellular waves, yet you are able to experience the sound it brings.

  • The Reiki practitioner is the channel that brings the Universal energy in and directs it to the client.

  • Anyone can be attuned to Reiki by a Reiki Master.

  • Our thoughts, words and emotions cause energy to become stuck in our energy centers and this is what leads to DIS-ease, pain and unease in the body.

  • Reiki restores balance and harmony to the body on the physical, emotional and mental levels.

Welcome to Reiki … read on to discover more!

Reiki and Chakras

Who Does Reiki Benefit?

Anyone who wants to feel calmer, peaceful, more joyful and more grounded in the world.

Those who experience:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety /lack of sleep

  • Depression or overwhelm

  • Headaches /migraines

  • Pain/ aches/ arthritis

  • Is dealing with cancer

  • About to have surgery or recovering from surgery

  • Dental work or dental surgery
    Reiki promotes relaxation which allows the healing to enter at a deeper level.

Reiki is NOT for:

  • Anyone with a pacemaker

  • Anyone taking insulin for diabetes… unless you are willing to check your blood/sugar levels often.

60-Minute Reiki Session $100
One-Hour Distance Reiki $100
Chakra Cleanse and Distance Reiki Package $100

Enjoy a WHOLE 2-Hour Experience for only $130, which includes:

  • Full Reiki treatment

  • 30-minute Ionic Foot Detox

  • Enjoy a cup of tea while you have the foot detox

What does an In-Person Treatment look like?

I spend a few minutes getting acquainted with my client and learning what brought them in to experience Reiki.

The client lays on a heated massage table, fully clothed and is covered with a light blanket.

Reiki involves a light touch, hands on treatment, unless the client specifies otherwise. Touch is on the head, throat area, heart, stomach, hips, knees and feet. You may feel warmth, coolness and may even fall asleep.

You may ask questions throughout or just take in the beautiful, relaxing experience.

This provides healing to those who are unable to make an office visit.

Healing energy has no boundaries and just as cellular phone waves can be sent and received anywhere in the world, the same applies to healing energy.

I ask for the client’s birthday, full name and address, so I can connect. Sometimes a picture can be added.

I personally prefer to view my client over video, via Zoom or messenger, so we chat can chat and connect personally. However, if that isn’t possible, they receive the healing just the same.

A time is scheduled when you can relax and not be disturbed.

How does Distance Reiki work?

Reiki Level 1 Certification

This Reiki training follows the foundation of Usui Shiki Kyoho… The Usui System.

It involves twelve hours of training generally covered over a Thursday evening, Friday evening and a full Saturday.

During this training you receive four attunements, learn the history of Reiki, and hand placements for self-reiki.

This level does not allow you to offer Reiki services to others for payment. It is your foundation.

Why do I need to be attuned?

Being attuned to Reiki energy protects you from using your own “vital” energy when helping others.

It assists you to keep from absorbing any negative energy from those you are treating.

Classes are limited to 4 participants. It includes 12 hours of training, a full Reiki treatment, full lunch on Saturday and refreshments throughout, a course outline and certificate of completion.

Cost: $250.00, cash, e-transfer or credit card.

Reiki Level 2 Certification

In the second degree of Reiki you:

  • Learn the powerful Reiki symbols

  • Are taught how to use Reiki for mental and emotional problems

  • Learn to use Reiki for distance healing

  • Open up to your intuitive abilities more deeply

  • Increase your confidence through direct practise on others

Class includes twelve hours of instruction over two evenings and one full day, course outline, personal Reiki treatment, Reiki practise on others, full lunch and refreshments, plus certification of completion.

Limited to 4 participants. Cost is $500.00 cash, e-transfer or credit card.

Reiki Practise Days (Reiki Table Day)

These are in-person events where you have the opportunity to:

  • Practise your Reiki on others

  • Q & A about anything you would like more clarification on

  • Receive a POWERED up personal Reiki treatment because you have the energy of 3-5 practitioners working on you

  • Enjoy time connecting with other Reiki practitioners in the area

  • Receive meditation time and learn how to cleanse your Chakras

Limited to 6 participants.

This is a HALF day event from 1-5 pm.
Cost is $50.00 cash, e-transfer or credit card.

** Any level of Reiki is required in order to participate.

Reiki Certification

Reiki Certification